Coord Post: Haenuli Sleeping Beauty
I got my Sleeping Beauty OP from Haenuli this past Friday, and so I put together a very quick coord with it…
Sorry, my camera won’t focus properly unless you are really close these days…
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I think I might need a blouse under this OP, and I’m open to suggestions if anyone has any ideas as to what a good style blouse for with it might be? I had some great black x grey x white Innocent World OTKs I wanted to wear too, but they ran away….
Also totally open to coord advice, and general advice, critique and criticism of all kinds!
OP, Headbow: Haenuli
Choker: Innocent World
Stockings, Shoes: Target
Ring, Earrings: Free gifts with the OPs
Bracelets: Paris Kids
Hair Flowers: H&M, Icing by Claire’s