In the back of The “Cute” Empire there is a timeline. This is a translation of that timeline done for academic / educational purposes.
In the back of The “Cute” Empire there is a timeline. This is a translation of that timeline done for academic / educational purposes.
Before Akinori Isobe founded Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, he designed for a brand called ATSUKI ONISHI.
Headbow is one of those things that has major consistency issues in English. Specifically “Head Bow” vs “Headbow” vs “Alice Band” vs “Alice bow”.
There is a translation of one of the lolita history timelines that I mirrored here quite a few years ago because the original had gone
Ask a group of lolita about”Bittersweet” and you are almost certain to get at least one person who vehemently dislikes the term, and you likely
As some of you might already know, I collect lolita fashion publications, particularly older ones. I’ve posted scans of a tiny percentage of my collection
As some people probably know, I have a fairly large stash of lolita publications. Among them are some of the earliest issues of Kera. I’ve
Fragrant Rose Memories is a print from Baby the Stars Shine Bright, which was released in 2012 (Shown above is the Vivienne JSK). At some
I own quite a few mooks, magazines and catalogs relating to lolita fashion, going back to 1998. And one thing I’ve seen in a few